asset-liability management中文什么意思

发音:   用"asset-liability management"造句
  • asset:    n. 1.资产;财产。 2.有用的资 ...
  • liability:    n. 1.责任,义务。 2.〔pl. ...
  • management:    n. 1.办理,处理;管理,经营;经 ...
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. The institution analysis of commercial bank ' s assets - liabilities management
  2. Because of historically unperformed assets and lack of the asset - liability management ( alm ) theory , our life insurance industry suffered a large interest spread loss
  3. Bank asset - liability management ( alm ) has been a focus for a long time . scientific and reasonable alm technology and organizational framework will strengthen the bank ’ s competing power
  4. On this base the paper make a detailed analysis on the problems and difficulties in the development of china commercial bank ' s asset - liability management . finally the paper provide some suggestions
  5. The law that bank adjust continually its business structure for seeking the roads of living and development is embodied in the business adjustment from assets management to liabilities management to assets - liabilities management


  1. asset-backed securities 什么意思
  2. asset-backed securities (abs) 什么意思
  3. asset-backed security 什么意思
  4. asset-based financing 什么意思
  5. asset-based lessor 什么意思
  6. asset-liability view 什么意思
  7. asset-light strategy 什么意思
  8. asset-oriented lessor 什么意思
  9. asset-stripping 什么意思
  10. assetacquisitionandretirementbudget 什么意思


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